by Alpha | Nov 21, 2016 | Pre-Market
3. FOSL:$FOSL upgraded to Neutral at Piper Jaffray
1. CEMP:$CEMP downgraded to Market Perform at Cowen, PT removed.
Trending Social Alerts
1. HALO:$HALO today announced that AbbVie has discontinued a development program using the Halozyme ENHANZE™ platform technology
2. DRYS:$DRYS *DJ DryShips’s Lending Bank Has Agreed to a Write-Off of Approximately 50% of the Outstanding Principal and Interest Due >DRYS
6. TSN:#BREAKING: Tyson Foods $TSN Q4 Adjusted Earnings Per Share misses estimates, $0.96 vs. $1.17 expected
7. ADRO:$ADRO Partial Clinical Hold Lifted and Enrollment Resumes for Aduro Biotech LADD Clinical Trials
Trending News Headlines
1. Apple Abandons Development of Wireless Routers
Apple Inc. has disbanded its division that develops wireless routers, another move to try to sharpen the company’s focus on consumer products that generate the bulk of its revenue, according to people familiar with the matter.
Technology News
NPR decided to the system by flagging nearly posts that could be considered hate speech specifically attacks against blacks and against whites in the We found that Facebook subcontractors were not consistent and made numerous mistakes including in instances where a user calls for violence.
We say they were mistakes because the company changed its position in dozens of instances removing some and restoring others either when we flagged it a second time through the automated system or brought it to the attention of Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park Calif.
Some in Silicon Valley dismiss the criticisms against Facebook as schadenfreude Just like taxi drivers do like Uber legacy media envies the success of the social platform and enjoys seeing its leadership on the hot seat.
terrorists into encrypted channels however impedes their operational effectiveness by constraining the amount of data they can send and complicating transmission protocols a phenomenon known in military parlance as virtual attrition Pompeo wrote in an published in January by The Wall Street Journal.
of us believe that a couple of years in the Army followed by sitting on a committee in Congress qualifies anyone for any position in the CIA much less as the Director a former military officer who also worked in the intelligence community told Motherboard on condition of anonymity.
believe that the ongoing nepotism used to select unqualified and in some cases dangerous people for leadership in these key positions may well lead to a catastrophic failure for the United.
Khizr Khan the father of an American soldier killed in Iraq and a critic of Donald Trump was smeared in articles on Images Something is deeply wrong when the voice reputation and influence can be borrowed by a source that describes itself as fantasy news to claim that he has endorsed a presidential candidate and then be amplified unchallenged through a million individual shares.
But the outrage is at risk of being misdirected and will be followed by the realization that the colloquial the newslike media amateur and professional for which truth is defined first in personal and political terms and which must only meet the bar of not being obviously inarguably demonstrably false will continue growing apace gaining authority by sheer force not despite Facebook but because of it.
Those who expect the operator of the dominant media ecosystem of our time in response to getting caught promoting lies to suddenly return authority to the companies it has superseded are in for a similar surprise.
CloseCloseCloseCountryCodeFor customers ofUnited any any United Orange Airtel Videocon Telkomsel Indosat XL See SMS short codes for other countries.
This timeline is where spend most of your time getting instant updates about what matters to you.
Hover over the profile pic and click the Following button to unfollow any account.
terrorists into encrypted channels however impedes their operational effectiveness by constraining the amount of data they can send and complicating transmission protocols a phenomenon known in military parlance as virtual attrition Pompeo wrote in an published in January by The Wall Street Journal.
of us believe that a couple of years in the Army followed by sitting on a committee in Congress qualifies anyone for any position in the CIA much less as the Director a former military officer who also worked in the intelligence community told Motherboard on condition of anonymity.
believe that the ongoing nepotism used to select unqualified and in some cases dangerous people for leadership in these key positions may well lead to a catastrophic failure for the United.
The June Intelligent Oven uses a combination of its camera scale touchscreen ports apps and continuously updated cooking presets to make you the best possible meal.
The June oven uses carbon fiber heating elements that can fully power up in three seconds which greatly reduces the time needed for preheat.
I do however think this lack of crust and visual appeal is fixable if June tests heat at the beginning or end of their meat presets as part of getting the inside up to temp.
Please systematize this Give trusted media sources and agencies a path to report their findings so that Facebook and other social platforms can surface this information to users when they read these items and more importantly as they consider sharing them.
Or is that deeper information better revealed by getting quicker to the next listing in the search results Wikipedia explaining that Daily Stormer is an American and white supremacist news and commentary website.
Love or hate Occupy Democrats racked up to million impressions a week on Facebook according to its cofounder by providing users with the social tokens to use in their own conversations the thing they share because it speaks for them.
Alarmed by the statistics the Department of Transportation in October outlined a plan to work with the National Safety Council and other advocacy groups to devise a to strategy with the ambitious goal of eliminating roadway fatalities within years.
whole principle is to bring voice recognition to customers so they can keep their eyes on the road and hands on the wheel said Alan Hall a spokesman for Ford which began installing Sync in cars in.
William Chandler a retired neurosurgeon in Ann Arbor just bought a BMW sport utility vehicle that warns him if he drifts out of his lane on the highway or if a car is in his blind spot.
Now the firm has its next bet Marco Polo a small video messaging app run by a company called Joya Communications.
The app seems pretty simple users can send each other short video messages with text or filters added on.
As Snapchat has become more and more public with features like Discover and Stories investors are looking for products that might be able to use the same video messaging idea in a more intimate way.
Alarmed by the statistics the Department of Transportation in October outlined a plan to work with the National Safety Council and other advocacy groups to devise a to strategy with the ambitious goal of eliminating roadway fatalities within years.
whole principle is to bring voice recognition to customers so they can keep their eyes on the road and hands on the wheel said Alan Hall a spokesman for Ford which began installing Sync in cars in.
William Chandler a retired neurosurgeon in Ann Arbor just bought a BMW sport utility vehicle that warns him if he drifts out of his lane on the highway or if a car is in his blind spot.
by Alpha | Nov 18, 2016 | Pre-Market
1. CRM:
$CRM Tops Q3 by 3c
3. COTY:$COTY upgraded to hold at Berenberg
7. GS:$GS upgraded to Outperform at Macquarie
2. C:$C downgraded to Neutral at Macquarie
8. SAVE:$SAVE downgraded to Neutral at Citigroup – PT raise $61 from $52
9. WFC:$WFC downgraded to Underperform at BMO Capital – PT $47
Trending Social Alerts
1. ANF:Does anyone shop at Abercrombie & Fitch anymore? Big same-store sales drop. Earnings missed badly. $ANF down 10% #premarket.
Trending News Headlines
1. Eli Lilly’s Alzheimer’s Drug Study Results are Coming — Here’s what investors need to know
In a few weeks, investors will know if Lilly’s solanezumab is a groundbreaking treatment for Alzheimer’s or another drug casualty to a disease that has eluded pharmaceutical companies for years.
2. Chipotle, Ackman Near Settlement
Chipotle Mexican Grill and William Ackman are nearing a settlement that would give the activist investor a say in the boardroom at the beleaguered burrito chain.
3. Agios Announces Phase 1 Data from Dose Expansion Cohorts of AG-120 in Patients with IDH1 Mutant Positive Glioma and Chondrosarcoma
– Durable Stable Disease Observed for Patients with Non-enhancing Low Grade Glioma and Chondrosarcoma Patients; 42% of Glioma Patients Still on Treatment –
4. Tweets2016-11-18
As always, enjoy the round-up of highlights, news and discussion from the biotech Twitter stream, curated by @23aloha and @BioDueDiligence . Thanks for your interest, and feel free to Contact Us with…
5. Abercrombie & Fitch quarterly sales fall again
Teen apparel retailer Abercrombie & Fitch Co (ANF.N) posted its 15th straight drop in quarterly sales as fewer customers visited its stores.
6. OPEC moves closer to oil output deal as Iran gets new offer
OPEC is moving closer toward finalizing this month its first deal since 2008 to limit oil output, with most members prepared to offer Iran significant flexibility on production volumes, ministers and sources said on Friday.
7. OPEC moves closer to oil output deal as Iran gets new offer
OPEC is moving closer toward finalizing this month its first deal since 2008 to limit oil output, with most members prepared to offer Iran significant flexibility on production volumes, ministers and sources said on Friday.
8. Chipotle, Ackman Near Settlement
Chipotle Mexican Grill and William Ackman are nearing a settlement that would give the activist investor a say in the boardroom at the beleaguered burrito chain.
Technology News
Today pleased to announce the launch of Firefox Focus a free fast and easy to use private browser for iOS.
You may be looking for information that in certain situations is sensitive searches for engagement rings flights to Las Vegas or expensive cigars for example.
You can browse with peace of mind feeling confident in the knowledge that you can instantly erase your sessions with a single tap no menus needed.
Today Kamkar released the schematics and code for a device he calls PoisonTap a tiny USB dongle that whether plugged into a locked or unlocked PC installs a set of backdoors that in many cases allow an attacker to gain access to the online accounts corporate intranet sites or even their router.
One solution Kamkar proposes would be for operating systems to ask permission before they connect to a new network device like PoisonTap instead of silently switching over from trusted Wifi.
Or they can close their browser every time they step away from their computer assiduously clear its cache or even take the more drastic measure of filling their USB ports with glue.
Coincidentally Wired just published a lengthy interview with Clapper that covered his thoughts on the morality of espionage in general and Internet surveillance in particular.
From standpoint the country is locked in a seemingly constant state of war against a protean and often faceless set of enemies at a time when a single employee can walk out with a thumb drive containing worth of secrets.
In a recent of possible Trump Administration appointments CNN listed former Pete Hoekstra retired General Joseph Kellogg former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Mike Rogers as likely candidates to succeed Clapper.
Clapper has found himself defending his agencies from the charge that leading the nation into a dystopian future in which an government kills from the sky with no accountability hoovers up vast troves of data from people the world over and undermines personal computer security through back doors malware and industry side deals.
Among other small steps toward openness Clapper has overseen an effort to ease into public view more information about the drone program which has faced increasing opposition particularly after the September killing of Anwar an American cleric who had embraced al Qaeda and become a top leader of its affiliate in Yemen.
The principal Christopher Soghoian says that while office has started a Tumblr and pushed to declassify some significant historical the drone casualty report and pages of a government investigation that dealt with Saudi role in financing and coordinating the has yet to make public or confirm the existence of a single surveillance program or tool not exposed by Snowden.
In March months before Snowden provided the Guardian and the Washington Post with voluminous NSA data documenting sweeping domestic and international communications dragnets Clapper had a public colloquy with Senator Ron Wyden an Oregon Democrat on the intelligence committee.
Litt would also say that Clapper finds open hearings a requirement of congressional oversight as annoying as folding fitted sheets citing a distinctive turn of phrase used by his boss.
As resignation became public two intelligence committee members independent Angus King of Maine and Republican James Lankford of Oklahoma wrote to Trump to urge the to prioritize the selection of replacement.
of Code embodies our vision for Apple stores as a place for the community to gather learn and be entertained said Angela Ahrendts senior vice president of Retail.
we started Hour of Code in Apple has each year upped its participation and found ways to introduce more kids to computer science said Hadi Partovi founder and CEO of.
In addition to workshops Apple has developed a series of tools to extend Hour of Code into schools and community centers including a free facilitator guide offering lesson ideas group activities and more.
is on the verge of a massive global rollout of its streaming video service people familiar with the matter said taking direct aim at rival Netflix Inc.
The giant likely will expand its video service into about countries and territories the people said.
Amazon Prime Video is only available now in the Germany Austria and Japan with a planned launch in India.
over years DNI James Clapper has devoted his life to national security and to the men and women in our Armed Forces and Intelligence Community who protect it.
career in public service began as an officer in the United States Armed Forces.
Through all of this Clapper has provided steady leadership for the Intelligence Community and wise counsel to the President and the Congress.
Of course this occurrence can not be viewed in a vacuum and comes in a week that has seen Twitter peers Google and Facebook come under fire for not doing enough to tackle fake news and propaganda in the wake of Donald election victory.
This New Order incident echoes a similar instance in May when hacker and troll Andrew Auernheimer who goes by the pseudonym weev used ad platform to promote a white power tweet.
need to stand up for one another and defend ourselves from violence and discrimination read the tweet which was served up to Twitter users that followed accounts related to fighting racism and supporting social justice.
Microsoft will tie executive bonuses to workforce diversity goals after the company saw a second consecutive year of declines in the percentage of women employees owing to its exit from the phone handset market.
You will now receive the Game Plan newsletter Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella after a bumpy start marked by a gaffe over equal pay at a women in tech conference has made diversity a key priority for the company.
To boost hiring of women and minorities the company has added human resources workers with experience in that area and Nadella funded the tripling of an internship program called Explorer for college freshman and sophomores interested in technology Houston said.
Vol price movers scan this am $BNSO $PLCE $UAM $GSL $BBY $ANW $AMD $WNR $CHEK $CYCC
by Alpha | Nov 17, 2016 | Pre-Market
Pre market
Gainers: RLOG +121%. SINO +99%. GSL +94%. DCIX +32%. NMM +32%. ESEA +24%. TOPS +22%. WNR +22%. NM +22%. NAO +19%. SB +18%. ANW +17%. PANL +16%. SHIP +12%. NTAP +12%. HAIN +11%. GLBS +11%. UAM +11%. GURE +10%. PLCE +8%. NNA 8%. BBY 8%. INCY 6%. RCON 6%. PLUG 6%. GNK 6%. ENDP 6%
Losers: LEI -26%. VUZI -18%. SPP -18%. NVTA -14%. FSLR -12%. ZX -10%. TEGP -10%. SSI -9%. STEM -8%. FOXF -8%. TTMI -7%. PFGC -6%
1. FSLR:$FSLR upgraded to Market Perform at JMP Securities
6. TWX:$TWX upgraded to Buy at Moffett Nathanson
2. BUD:$BUD downgraded to Hold at Investec
18. URBN:$URBN downgraded to Equal Weight at Morgan Stanley – PT raise $39 from $36
Trending Social Alerts
1. BBY:Best Buy Q3 EPS $0.62 vs $0.47 Est, Revenue $8.95B vs $8.85B Est. $BBY
4. WMT:EARNINGS ALERT: @Walmart EPS beats $0.98 vs. $0.96 • revs. miss $118.179B vs. $118.695B $WMT
Trending News Headlines
1. Hey Gilead, stop developing drugs and start buying biotech companies — now!
For as much as we love and respect you, Gilead, the current situation is unacceptable. The once great and mighty biotech Gilead cannot trade at a 6x forward earnings multiple!
2. No early win for Sanofi, Regeneron cholesterol drug in study
Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals said on Thursday they would continue a large clinical outcomes study with their injectable cholesterol-lowering drug Praluent.
3. Wal-Mart Sales Edge Up, Though Profit Falls
Wal-Mart’s revenue rose less than expected in the third quarter, and profit fell 8.2% as the retailer continues to invest billions to boost its e-commerce business and improve stores.
4. Tesoro Petroleum (TSO) to Acquire Western Refining (WNR) in Net $4.1B Deal
Tesoro Corporation (NYSE: TSO) and Western Refining, Inc. (NYSE: WNR) jointly announced a definitive agreement under which Tesoro will acquire Western at an implied…
5. Russia starts blocking LinkedIn website after court ruling
Russia’s communications regulator ordered public access to LinkedIn’s website to be blocked on Thursday to comply with a court ruling that found the social networking firm guilty of violating a data storage law.
6. Goldman Sachs Sees Accelerating Growth at Microsoft (MSFT); Rating Raised to ‘Buy’
(Updated – November 17, 2016 8:27 AM EST)Goldman Sachs upgraded Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) from Neutral to Buy with a price target of $68.00 (from $60.00), implying 16% upside. Analyst Heather Bellini estimates…
7. Griffen Securities Positive on ZIOPHARM’s (ZIOP) Latest Membrane-Bound IL-15 Data; Affirms at ‘Buy’
Griffen Securities reaffirms ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc. (Nasdaq: ZIOP) at Buy with a price target of $21 after the company…
8. Incyte (INCY) PT Lifted to $126 at BMO Capital Following Competitor Set-Back
BMO Capital analyst M. Ian Somaiya reiterated an Outperform rating and bumped his price target on Incyte (NASDAQ: INCY) to $126.00 (from $121.00) as mixed data from Gilead’s Phase 3 trials of…
Technology News
Microsoft also partnered with Canonical to bring Ubuntu to Windows and acquired Xamarin to aid mobile app development.
Microsoft even open sourced Xamarin SDKs and developer tools and brought SQL Server to Linux.
Google is joining the Foundation which oversees Platform programming languages that form part of Microsoft major competitor to Java and Android.
Among those whose accounts have been suspended is Richard Spencer president and director of the National Policy Institute which identifies itself as an organization dedicated to the heritage identity and future of people of European descent in the United States and around the world.
Others whose accounts have been suspended include Pax Dickinson founder of site Wesearchr an internet personality who goes by the fake name Ricky Vaughn and blogger Paul Town who describes himself as the leading thoughtleader of.
The site rules say abuse includes hateful conduct that promotes violence against threatens or attacks people on the basis of race ethnicity national origin sexual orientation gender gender identity religious affiliation age disability or disease.
Before it officially is adopted however it will need to receive Royal Assent which is likely to be given before the end of to match the government intentions and ahead of existing surveillance laws expiring.
and GCHQ collected private data for years The Home Office the department responsible for the law has said the provisions listed within it are needed to help protect the country national security and give more oversight than ever before.
This could include downloading data from a mobile phone that is stolen or left unattended or software that tracks every keyboard letter pressed being installed on a laptop.
Other suspended accounts include Ricky Vaughn who was previously banned after a BuzzFeed News story detailing his campaign to disenfranchise voters with false information former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickenson and John Rivers.
Though the abuse tools were received tepidly as a small first step that was in many ways cosmetic the decision to begin to ban some of more prominent and white nationalist voices is a signal that the company may be getting serious about reclaiming its platform from trolls.
In a statement given to BuzzFeed News Jared Taylor founder and editor of American Renaissance and advocate and Richard Spencer president of the National Policy Institute a white nationalist called purge of accounts associated with the and.
Quotes are not sourced from all markets and may be delayed up to minutes.
Information is provided is and solely for informational purposes not for trading purposes or advice.
Twitter on Tuesday removed Spencer verified account RichardBSpencer that of his think tank the National Policy Institute npiamerica and his online magazine radixjournal.
As a private company Twitter has no obligation to provide a forum for white nationalist views and can do what it wants said James Grimmelmann a law professor who studies social networks at Cornell University.
Heimblach said he applied to have his account verified because he leads a political party registered with the Federal Communications Commission advocating for the best interests of white Americans.
Charles West will create a guide to help local government officials develop and implement policies and programs to improve the life outcomes of boys and men of color.
Gigi Sohn will use storytelling techniques to help demonstrate how public policy can improve access to communications networks new technology and media for communities too often left behind in the digital age.
Terri Gerstein will develop the capacity of state and local government agencies to improve the conditions of and immigrant workers through strategic enforcement of labor laws including through ongoing partnerships with NGOs.
The Investigatory Powers Bill cleared its final hurdle in the House of Lords on Wednesday afternoon when peers agreed to stop a proposed press intrusion amendment between the lower and upper chambers of the Palace of Westminster.
Ironically the Tory government has repeatedly used DRIPA expiration for political gain with ministers warning that the UK would be naked to any national security threat without any provision in law that allowed for a communications data acquisition regime to continue into.
Key passages of the Investigatory Powers Act demand that telecoms firms retain data on the Web activity of British citizens for months to allow cops spooks and public authorities to access the information.
Twitter on Tuesday removed Spencer verified account RichardBSpencer that of his think tank the National Policy Institute npiamerica and his online magazine radixjournal.
As a private company Twitter has no obligation to provide a forum for white nationalist views and can do what it wants said James Grimmelmann a law professor who studies social networks at Cornell University.
Heimblach said he applied to have his account verified because he leads a political party registered with the Federal Communications Commission advocating for the best interests of white Americans.
obj endobj obj endobj obj endobj obj stream ry Vv o Wo nvͶۮ CpW RaUHef pa u Hٷ Ek O.
by Alpha | Nov 16, 2016 | Pre-Market
2. DIS:$DIS upgraded to Buy at Deutsche Bank – PT $112
4. RPRX:$RPRX upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Ladenburg.
12. LULU:$LULU downgraded to Neutral at Credit Suisse – PT cut $53 from $76
16. SCTY:$SCTY downgraded to Sell at Axiom Capital
Trending Social Alerts
1. LOW:Lowe’s missed on EPS & revenue. Competition from Home Depot may just be too tough. $LOW down nearly 5% #premarket. $HD down 1% too though.
2. DRYS:The clown show continues … $DRYS up another $20 in premarket
3. TGT:Target Q3 EPS $1.04 vs $0.83 Est, Revenue $16.44B vs $16.30B Est. $TGT
Trending News Headlines
1. Shane Blackmon on Twitter
“$FLXN prices 3.6m shares at $18.00”
2. Target Boosts Forecast as Profit Rises
Target raised its outlook for same-store sales over the holiday season as the retailer reported better-than-expected results in the latest quarter.
3. Facebook says it miscalculated more metrics, but it’s telling advertisers not to worry
On the plus side: This has nothing to do with fake news.
Technology News
by Alpha | Nov 14, 2016 | Pre-Market
7. LMT:$LMT upgraded to Buy at Stifel Nicolaus – PT raise $290 from $260
14. X:$X upgraded to Overweight at Morgan Stanley – PT raise $46 from $19
Trending Social Alerts
2. NVDA:$NVDA upgraded to BUY at Needham, price tgt goes to $100
3. PTCT:$PTCT upgraded to Outperform at Credit Suisse, PT $25
4. CRBP:$CRBP Reports Positive Topline Results Showing Clear Signal of Clinical Benefit with Resunab in Phase 2 Study in Systemic Sclerosis
Trending News Headlines
1. Twitter (TWTR) Attracts an Activist Investor
Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) is gaining following a…
2. Dynavax shares fall on FDA rejection of hepatitis b vaccine
Dynavax now says it will need assistance from another drug company or financial partner to resubmit Heplisav-B for another shot at approval.
3. Novartis Said to Hold Talks to Buy Generics Maker Amneal
Novartis AG is in talks to acquire U.S. generic-drugs maker Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC as the Swiss health-care company seeks to bolster its Sandoz business amid consolidation in the industry, according to people familiar with the matter.
4. Corbus drug succeeds in mid-stage scleroderma study, shares surge
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc said its only drug outperformed a placebo in a mid-stage study involving patients with a form of systemic sclerosis, an incurable autoimmune condition caused by abnormal growth of connective tissue.
5. Corbus Pharmaceuticals Reports Positive Topline Results Showing Clear Signal of Clinical Benefit with Resunab (JBT-101) in Phase 2 Study in Systemic Sclerosis
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. , a clinical stage drug development company targeting rare, chronic, serious inflammatory and fibrotic diseases, today announced positive topline results from its …
6. UPDATE: Stifel Starts Gilead Sciences (GILD) at Buy
(Updated – November 14, 2016 9:10 AM EST) Stifel initiated coverage on Gilead Sciences (NASDAQ: GILD) with a Buy rating and a price target of $100.Analyst Katherine…
7. CME Said to Consider Dublin for Clearing Amid Brexit Fallout
CME Group Inc. is examining options in Dublin to ensure its clearinghouse keeps access to European Union customers after the U.K. leaves the bloc, according to people familiar with the discussions.
8. Goldman Sees the Possibility of Stagflation Under Trump Presidency
Higher inflation and unemployment.
9. Samsung to Buy U.S. Auto-Parts Supplier Harman for $8 Billion
Samsung said it would buy U.S. auto-parts supplier Harman International Industries for $8 billion in an all-cash deal that instantly makes the South Korean smartphone maker a major player in the world of automotive technology.
Technology News
by Alpha | Nov 10, 2016 | Pre-Market
2. CHK:$CHK – upgraded to Hold at Jefferies
10. NOC:$NOC upgraded to Overweight at Barclays – PT raise $270 from $230
12. PCLN:$PCLN upgraded to Buy at Stifel Nicolaus – PT raise $1.9k from $1.65
8. MS, VRX:Rodman downgrades $vrx to neutral. $ms cuts PT from $42 to $25.
11. VRX:$VRX downgraded to Neutral at Rodman & Renshaw – PT cut $23 from $81, maintains Overweight rating at Morgan Stanley – PT cut $25 from $42
Trending Social Alerts
2. ANTH:$ANTH Blisibimod CHABLIS-SC1 Phase 3 Study Did Not Achieve the Primary Endpoint in Patients With Active Systemic Lupus Erythematosus #Fail
4. IBB:$XBI up 2.7% $IBB up 1.93% in pm
5. SODA:$SODA Reports Q3 EPS $0.69 vs. Est. $0.23, Rev. $124.2M vs. Est. $115M – double digit growth 🙂
6. SGEN:$SGEN Receives FDA Breakthrough Therapy Designation for ADCETRIS® in Mycosis Fungoides & Primary Cutaneous Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
7. MNKD:.@AdamSinger Neither do I, but it’s a bizarre announcement. Does $MNKD have compromising photos or similar?
8. CELG:@tgtxdough $IBB $CELG coiled spring of money flow may need to shift back over to biotech.
9. KSS:Kohl’s Reports Q3 Adj. EPS $0.80 vs $0.70 Est., Sales $4.327B vs $4.33B Est. $KSS
11. TUBE:$TUBE Adobe $ADBE to acquire TubeMogul for $14/sh
Trending News Headlines
1. Six thoughts on President Trump and the durability of the biotech stock rally
Investors have convinced themselves that President Donald Trump is going to make drug stocks great again. Will it last?
2. Bristol-Myers hands over $100M in cash for a new fibrosis drug, beefing up NASH focus
It’s not all checkpoints all the time at Bristol-Myers Squibb. The big biotech has been ramping up an ambitious effort in fibrosis and NASH and this morning it’s taking the wraps off another deal in the field, paying $100 million to Japan’s Nitto Denko for an early-stage drug candidate that
3. Opdivo (nivolumab) Demonstrates Overall Survival Benefit in Patients With Unresectable Advanced or Recurrent Gastric Cancer in Phase 3 Study
Opdivo is the first and only Immuno-Oncology agent to demonstrate overall survival advantage in patients with unresectable advanced or recurrent gastric cancer refractory to, or intolerant of, standard therapy Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (NYSE:BMY) announced today that ONO-4538-12, a Phase 3, randomized, double-blind clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of Opdivo (nivolumab) in patients with unresectable advanced or recurrent gastric cancer refractory to, or intolerant of, standard therapy, met its primary endpoint of overall survival (OS). Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. of Japan , Bristol-Myers Squibb’s development partner for Opdivo , conducted the ONO-4538-12 trial. The companies will work with investigators on the future presentation of the study results. Fouad Namouni, M.D., head of development, Oncology, Bristol-Myers Squibb, commented, “Patients with advanced or recurrent gastric cancer generally have a poor prognosis, and there are currently no standard-of-care
4. Halozyme Announces Broad Clinical Collaboration Agreement To Evaluate PEGPH20 And Tecentriq In Up To Eight Tumor Types
Phase 1b/2 studies will evaluate Halozyme’s investigational drug, PEGPH20 with Genentech’s anti-PDL1 Tecentriq® (atezolizumab) Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: HALO), an oncology biotech developing novel oncology and drug-delivery therapies, and Genentech, a member of the Roche Group , today announced an agreement to collaborate on clinical studies evaluating up to eight different tumor types beginning in 2017. The first study will be a Phase 1b/2 open-label, multi-arm randomized global study, led by Genentech to evaluate their cancer immunotherapy Tecentriq® (atezolizumab), an anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibody, in combination with Halozyme’s investigational drug, PEGPH20 in six tumor types. Halozyme will supply drug only for the Genentech study. This study will have an initial focus on gastrointestinal malignancies, including pancreatic and gastric cancers. The second study will be a Phase 1b open-label randomized study led by Halozyme to assess Tecentriq in combination with PEGPH20
5. Andy Biotech on Twitter
“$AZN discontinues its Anti-CD19 in DLBCL and Anti-ANG2 in solid tumors. $JUNO $KITE $SGEN $XNCR”
6. Katy Perry Ditches Alibaba’s Concert After Anti-Trump Tweets
Pop star Katy Perry has pulled out of a star-studded extravaganza put on by China’s largest online retailer.
7. Tesla’s own numbers show Autopilot has higher crash rate than human drivers
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Tesla’s claim that its Autopilot driver-assistance software is safer than a human driver. After a fatal Autopilot crash last May, the company said the death was the first in 130 million miles of Autopilot driving—and noted that, “among all…
8. AstraZeneca sees big healthcare changes under Trump
Drugmaker AstraZeneca (AZN.L) expects major U.S. healthcare changes after Donald Trump’s election victory but its chief executive warned on Thursday that pricing pressures in the world’s biggest drugs market would not go away.
9. IEA sees global market awash with oil in 2017 if no OPEC cut
The oil market risks running another surplus in 2017 without an output cut from OPEC, as producers around the globe ramp up supply and demand growth falters, the International Energy Agency said on Thursday.
10. U.S. should have joined China-led infrastructure bank: Trump adviser
A top adviser of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump lashed out at the Obama administration for failing to embrace the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), suggesting a possible policy shift when Trump takes office in January.
Technology News
Check out which companies are making headlines before the bell: Kohl’s – The retailer reported adjusted quarterly profit of 80 cents per share, 10 cents a share above forecasts. Revenue was very slightly above estimates. Same-store sales did fall by 1.7 percent, but that drop was in line with analysts’ projections.