PCR for tomorrow, Wednesday December 28th, is 2.116 and comes from inversion territory. We have  236,628 calls versus 500,794 puts. The change was executed at 3.095, this combination of factors would make us more confident on the long side, but instead we are going to continue being cautious and playing this market by ear. We have a very bullish approximation on $AAPL while it manages to consolidate above 116.56 and on AMD while it holds above 11.78 and ideally above 12.

We expect INTC to find resistance between 37.85 and 38.23 to lately find support at 36.21 to later finally finish our long term quest at the 40 area.

For TNA, you will see on this chart (link) that we modified the location of the wave 4 we are looking for to adjust it to ideal scenario. Target for wave 4 was 104.83; after hours low was 104.60, so for tomorrow our standard expectation should be a gap up toward 107.45 to complete five waves up off of the lows, we should not be too excited in case 107.50 is taken on TNA; would be a minimal extension and not a breakout. Under 103.49 we should reassess this projection but support would be 103.23 and we should continue monitoring alternatives.  A break under 101.13 still has to us looking for 97.

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