1. NVIV:

2. CI, ESRX:

3. BBRG:

4. CRIS:

5. EYES:

6. BURL:

7. CMTL:

8. CLDX:

9. NETE:

10. RCII:

11. CZR:

12. THO:

13. IDXG:

14. TEUM:

15. WYNN:

16. DVN:

17. CLVS:

18. AMZN, W:

19. MCHP:


21. MU:

22. LB:

23. AKAM:

24. A:
25. COST:

26. GWRE:

27. ARES:

28. CLSD:


30. ERII:

31. KR:

32. MEET:

33. MYO:

34. ZAGG:

35. CKPT:

36. VBLT:

1. HCP:
2. MCHP:
3. SAFT:
1. OAS:
1. ORN:
2. SSI:
3. TECD:
4. NGS:
5. ERJ:
6. FMSA:
7. BURL:
8. SPNS:
9. DFRG:
10. NAV:
11. CLMT:
12. FGP:
13. INAP:
14. FLY:
15. MTN:
16. CECE:
17. KR:
18. RVLT:
19. TGTX:
20. TGTX:
21. AEO:
22. AEO:
23. BIOS:
24. ETM:
25. USPH:
26. CMD:
27. CMD:
28. GHDX:
29. GLP:
30. NNBR:
31. DVAX:
32. REIS:
33. REIS:
Educational Tip of the Day (SOURCE: in: Gradually taking a position in a security or market over time.
Prospective Earnings Growth (PEG Ratio): The idea is to scale the P/E ratio by earnings growth. Higher P/E multiples could be a result of higher growth opportunities. The usual implementation is to divide the current P/E ratio by the five-year prospective earnings growth. This ratio is problematic if expected earnings growth is negative. As with the usual P/E ratio, zero or very small earnings causes problems too. For stock selection, it is usually recommend to look at E/P (earnings price ratio) and expected earnings growth as two separate factors rather than a single PEG ratio., and also recommend looking at different horizons for expected earnings growth.
Protectionism: Notion that governments should protect domestic industry from import competition by means of tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers.
Put-call parity: Option pricing principle that says, given a stock’s price, a put and call of the same class must have a static price relationship because arbitrage opportunities or activities will always reestablish such a relationship.
Put-call parity relationship: The relationship between the price of a put and the price of a call on the same underlying security with the same expiration date, which prevents arbitrage opportunities. Holding the underlying stock and buying a put will deliver the exact payoff as buying one call and investing the present value (PV) of the exercise price. The call value equals C = S + P – PV(k).
Put-call ratio: The ratio of the volume of put options traded to the volume of call options traded, which is used as an indicator of investor sentiment (bullish or bearish).Trending Social Alerts
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11. CI:
12. EYES:
13. RDNT:
14. NIHD:
15. UNP:
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