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Technology News
- Today pleased to announce the launch of Firefox Focus a free fast and easy to use private browser for iOS.
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- Today Kamkar released the schematics and code for a device he calls PoisonTap a tiny USB dongle that whether plugged into a locked or unlocked PC installs a set of backdoors that in many cases allow an attacker to gain access to the online accounts corporate intranet sites or even their router.
- One solution Kamkar proposes would be for operating systems to ask permission before they connect to a new network device like PoisonTap instead of silently switching over from trusted Wifi.
- Or they can close their browser every time they step away from their computer assiduously clear its cache or even take the more drastic measure of filling their USB ports with glue.
- Coincidentally Wired just published a lengthy interview with Clapper that covered his thoughts on the morality of espionage in general and Internet surveillance in particular.
- From standpoint the country is locked in a seemingly constant state of war against a protean and often faceless set of enemies at a time when a single employee can walk out with a thumb drive containing worth of secrets.
- In a recent of possible Trump Administration appointments CNN listed former Pete Hoekstra retired General Joseph Kellogg former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Mike Rogers as likely candidates to succeed Clapper.
- Clapper has found himself defending his agencies from the charge that leading the nation into a dystopian future in which an government kills from the sky with no accountability hoovers up vast troves of data from people the world over and undermines personal computer security through back doors malware and industry side deals.
- Among other small steps toward openness Clapper has overseen an effort to ease into public view more information about the drone program which has faced increasing opposition particularly after the September killing of Anwar an American cleric who had embraced al Qaeda and become a top leader of its affiliate in Yemen.
- The principal Christopher Soghoian says that while office has started a Tumblr and pushed to declassify some significant historical the drone casualty report and pages of a government investigation that dealt with Saudi role in financing and coordinating the has yet to make public or confirm the existence of a single surveillance program or tool not exposed by Snowden.
- In March months before Snowden provided the Guardian and the Washington Post with voluminous NSA data documenting sweeping domestic and international communications dragnets Clapper had a public colloquy with Senator Ron Wyden an Oregon Democrat on the intelligence committee.
- Litt would also say that Clapper finds open hearings a requirement of congressional oversight as annoying as folding fitted sheets citing a distinctive turn of phrase used by his boss.
- As resignation became public two intelligence committee members independent Angus King of Maine and Republican James Lankford of Oklahoma wrote to Trump to urge the to prioritize the selection of replacement.
- of Code embodies our vision for Apple stores as a place for the community to gather learn and be entertained said Angela Ahrendts senior vice president of Retail.
- we started Hour of Code in Apple has each year upped its participation and found ways to introduce more kids to computer science said Hadi Partovi founder and CEO of.
- In addition to workshops Apple has developed a series of tools to extend Hour of Code into schools and community centers including a free facilitator guide offering lesson ideas group activities and more.
- is on the verge of a massive global rollout of its streaming video service people familiar with the matter said taking direct aim at rival Netflix Inc.
- The giant likely will expand its video service into about countries and territories the people said.
- Amazon Prime Video is only available now in the Germany Austria and Japan with a planned launch in India.
- over years DNI James Clapper has devoted his life to national security and to the men and women in our Armed Forces and Intelligence Community who protect it.
- career in public service began as an officer in the United States Armed Forces.
- Through all of this Clapper has provided steady leadership for the Intelligence Community and wise counsel to the President and the Congress.
- Of course this occurrence can not be viewed in a vacuum and comes in a week that has seen Twitter peers Google and Facebook come under fire for not doing enough to tackle fake news and propaganda in the wake of Donald election victory.
- This New Order incident echoes a similar instance in May when hacker and troll Andrew Auernheimer who goes by the pseudonym weev used ad platform to promote a white power tweet.
- need to stand up for one another and defend ourselves from violence and discrimination read the tweet which was served up to Twitter users that followed accounts related to fighting racism and supporting social justice.
- Microsoft will tie executive bonuses to workforce diversity goals after the company saw a second consecutive year of declines in the percentage of women employees owing to its exit from the phone handset market.
- You will now receive the Game Plan newsletter Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella after a bumpy start marked by a gaffe over equal pay at a women in tech conference has made diversity a key priority for the company.
- To boost hiring of women and minorities the company has added human resources workers with experience in that area and Nadella funded the tripling of an internship program called Explorer for college freshman and sophomores interested in technology Houston said.
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